This is How You Should Blog Effectively This Year
Did you know writing on a blog is the best way to learn to write conversationally to the teaming audience.
The best technique is to adopt a format and stick to it.
If you're not Seth Goding, the master blogger, you know the popular format is introduction-body-and-conclusion, right?
Having known the popular format, it's up to you to choose what to fill in the format.
These questions will help. What do you want to say in your introduction, body and conclusion? And how do you want to say it so you'll edit less?
In academic writing or research report, introduction may include definition of the problem or matter in question; body may display the discovery, purpose, and method; and conclusion may simply become the last sentence of the body--or if there is any need for further research.
Unless for research or assignment, people hate reading academic writing. So I'm going to talk about how to make a good use of your choice to write a good blog post that people will love to stick to.
In writing a good blog post, you've to connect to your readers emotionally. For this reason, your introduction should display something far above definition.
In the first paragraph I chose to say 'This is the first time I wrote for this blog this year....'
This is my way of introducing my writing to you, to connect to you easily.
Here are other choices of what to say in your introduction.
Ask a question:
Have you read my last post? You need to read it. And today I'm revealing another secret.
Prepare your readers this way:
Looking at today's date, this is the day I choose to post this write-up and I'm talking about valentine....
Or say something like:
Writing a blog needs serious commitment but the way I wrote this one is as though I was not writing but I was revealing a secret of how to use anger for good.
The most important thing to note in the above examples is the use of 'I' and 'and'. But you can also use 'you' or 'we'. 'and' is used to make a good flow, to avoid using short-short sentences which make it weak. You can also use 'but' or 'so' or 'however'.
As regard the body, you fill in it with what you want your audience to learn or know. But as regard the conclusion, you use a similar technique to introduction.
To conclude your blog post, you can say something like:
Now I'm glad I come to the conclusion. Thanks for following my write-up. Till we see another time.
This is where I stop as regard this post. Thanks Anny for accepting my guest post. Thanks to all who read this post up to the end. I'm available to read your comments if there would be any.
I'm travelling next week, yet expect another post. You really make my day reading this one. Thanks.
If you conclude your work like the above examples, anyone who wants to comment badly on your post will lack a guts.